
Monday, July 12, 2010

8 Weeks

I really want to document my pregnancy on here so here is how the first 8 weeks have gone:
throw up
lay down on the coach
throw up
lay down on the coach
throw up
lay down on the coach
And lots of smiles

Well i am sure you get the point! I have been soooooooo sick. It's not just in the morning either it is all day long. But I will tell you what I have never been so happy to be so sick.

Other things:
Going to the bathroom at least twice an hour so that equals 48 times a day
Foods I used to like don't taste good anymore, foods I didn't like taste so good
No energy- Nap time is my new favorite part of the day

I am so lucky to be a school teacher so I have this time off for the summer to just stay home and be sick. It turned out to be perfect timing.

Besides all the sickness Derek and I are on top of the world...!!!


  1. I was also SOOOOO sick with my first pregnancy. It lasted about 5 months ... and then the heartburn kicked in ... but it was worth it. I was once told that being sick is a good sign that everything is going well with the pregnancy. I wish you all the luck in the world!!!

  2. Keep the faith Ambree!!! We will be praying for you.
