Just wanted to let everyone know how lucky I am to have these 3 beautiful women in my life (Sorry Hope your just a little girl).My Mom- Has been my best friend ever since I was a little girl. We have always been so much alike. Sometimes people may not think thats a good thing but we do! My mom has been through a lot in her life but always seems to keep this positive attitude, She is always here for me not just through the good but through the bad to, and most important she has taught me the love for children I have today. Lets just say she's awesome and I am so lucky to call her mom or mommy as I say when I want something or I am really sick.
My Sister-Is just awesome! She has always been their for me even if she is across the country, loves to tease me for my bad spelling and speech errors, Shows me everything I need to know to be a better person, loves to call me fattee, and the #1 thing I love most about her is how much she is like my daddy it's like I still have a piece of him here. I always tease her about being the favorite daughter but she deserves this title because she has accomplished more already in her life then I will ever in a life time.
My 2nd Mom- I call her this because most people don't love their mother-in-laws as much as I do. This lady means so much to me! She has always wanted a daughter so lets just say since I have been in the picture I get a little spoiled. Charlotte always has the best food for us at sunday dinners, She is not hard to carry a conversation with, she is always in a good mood, and most important has the most caring heart I have ever seen in a women. I am honored to now call this wonderful lady my 2nd Mom.